Page 5 - Nov 25
P. 5
Members' Communications
George FRASER (30/11)
Mary-Anne SUTTON (26/11)
Phil BALLINGER (1 /12)
Directors’ Reports
On Fri November 15 the students of Buddina State School participated in an internationally
themed fundraiser to support The Torah Community in the Solomon Islands.
This is the project championed by our member Som-Ling Leung and Buddina's effort was
organised by the school's EarlyAct group.
The activity took place on a specially constructed obstacle course set up on the school oval.
Students carried a bucket or their water bottle to simulate the villager's gathering of water for
their daily needs..
It began with the preppies, each escorted by a year-6 student, taking on the course.
A little later, in the main lunch break, the rest of the school participated.
Entry was by a gold coin donation and all up they raised $688.15.
Special thanks to Tracey Bobby, one of the Early Act teachers, for coordinating the effort.
Peter Bell